How do I contact the library?
By phone: 469-633-3511
By email: jensenj@friscoisd.org
By mail: 3650 Overhill Drive
             Frisco, Texas 75034

When can I come to the library?
Anytime!  Our library operates on a flexible schedule, which means you can come to the library whenever you need to.  Teachers set regular weekly times in the library for lessons that work with what you learn in the classroom and book check out.  Also, teachers can schedule additional class times in the library for research units. The library is open from 7:30-3:30 daily.  Check out the library calendar to see when your class will be coming to the library.

How many books can I check out?
It depends on your grade level.
Kindergarten: 1 book
1st Grade: 2 books
2nd-5th Grade: 3 books
Parents: 5 books

How do I check out books?
Kindergarten and first grade students have library cards that are kept in their classrooms; 2nd through fifth grade students type in their lunch number to check out.  Students can check out books on an as needed basis before school, during class, or during a class library visit.

What happens if I lose or damage a library book?
Lost or damaged books will need to be paid for so that the library can replace that copy.  Cost varies on library books; check with your librarian to find out the exact cost.  Payment can be made in cash or check; please make checks out to Pink Elementary.

What can I learn in the library?
The library is a learning lab, an extension of the regular classroom; students will learn library skills in conjunction with school curriculum.  Research units integrate library skills, note-taking skills, and curriculum-related topics to help students become information literate while mastering concepts for another subject, such as science or social studies.  Students learn to locate, comprehend, analyze, interpret, evaluate, communicate, and build new information.

What kinds of special reading programs does the library have?
There are two state-wide reading lists that students are encouraged to read from, the Bluebonnet list and the Texas 2x2s.

Bluebonnet books are for students in grades 3-5; students who read 5 books will become a part of the Bluebonnet book club.  In January, they vote on their favorite book, and in early spring there will be a celebration once the winner is determined.  The Bluebonnet is like a people's choice award; the students votes select the state award winner.

The Texas 2x2s are books for kids age 2 to grade 2; 20 picture books are selected each year.  Students who read all 20 2x2 books receive a certificate and prize from the library.

Monthly reading logs encourage students to read for at least 10 minutes a day for that month; students completing the log are recognized on a wall in front of the library.  At the end of the month, we draw three students' names from each grade level to receive a paperback book or a poster.

We also participate in local reading incentives, such as the Six Flags Six Hour Reading Club and FC Dallas's Get a Kick Out of Reading.  Watch for information on these programs in late winter and early spring.

How can I get more involved in the library?
The library is always looking for more volunteers to shelve books, make copies, help with displays, and to help keep our library looking neat.  Please contact Mrs. Jensen today if you would like to help out in the library.  To help with special events, such as book fair, contact the PTA.
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